Skip count in twos and fives
The five worksheets in this unit provide plenty of reinforcement for skip counting forwards and backwards in twos and fives. The first worksheet focuses on skip counting forwards in twos and has students filling in missing numbers in a sequence as well as couting pairs of shoes as quickly as they can. The four tasks on Worksheet 2 revise skip counting on and back in twos, as does the cut and paste activity on Worksheet 4. The third page requires students to skip count on in twos and fives and back in twos by colour coding rows of numbers, filling in blanks on number lines and labelling a rocket. The unit ends with a worksheet covering skip counting on and back with both twos and fives.
Maths knowledge
Resource Types:
Learning Activities and Worksheets
Year 1
Code: E0402B-12
Series: Number Counts - Stage 4
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